"The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it. Resist it, and your soul grows sick with longing for the things it has forbidden to itself, with desire for what its monstrous laws have made monstrous and unlawful," Oscar Wilde wrote that in THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY and who am I to argue? Those words have been my mantra for some time now, they are part of my byline so to speak.
Suzie Spitfyre - I can resist anything but temptation.
So how do I give in to temptation (in my case food and drink) and still maintain a healthy diet? This is how - use pure, unadulterated, flavourful ingredients such as fresh fruits and veg, lean proteins, and whole grains. Then prep those components for meals ahead of time, have them at the ready. And then let the creative juices flow! Explore new recipes and make things up as you go along....the result is delectable, healthy meals.
Here are some examples of just that...WARNING: Food Porn ahead.
01/17/13 - Breakfast - My favourite thing for breakfast has always been lunch. Here I heated up a wok with 1 teaspoon of peanut oil in it and threw in an egg that had been lightly beaten and combined with ginger and a bit of soy sauce. I let that cook and fluff up, then tossed in a bunch of different veggies, and a cup of last night's refrigerated jasmine rice. Took it off the heat, stirred in a tablespoon each of oyster sauce and Chinese black vinegar, and tadaaaaaaaaaaa! Healthy breakkie.
Breakfast stir-fry and green tea. |
01/17/13 - Dinner - Tacos de Pescado, otherwise known as the best tacos in the world! This is super simple to make and mouthwateringly delicious to eat. I used mahi-mahi, but you can use any kind of fish. Simply pack a bunch of store-bought taco seasoning on both sides of the fillets and grill to perfection. Chop up all the goodies you want to go in your whole-wheat tortillas...I chose to include cilantro, leafy green lettuce, fat-free sour cream, salsa, and avocado. Wrap 'em up and enjoy. The game changer here is my favourite condiment of late, chimichurri...and you'll kick yourself if you don't add a squirt of fresh lime juice. ¿Como se dice 'yummy' en español?
Delicioso! Tacos con pescado. |
01/18/13 - Lunch - This may be look like a pathetic adult-amateur entry into this week's food porn Peep Show, but my tuna sammi was just too pretty to leave out. And, it just goes to show that sometimes you gotta relax and just enjoy it. Water-packed tuna, drained and enhanced with fresh dill, light dilly dip, salt and pep, and chopped up celery. The whole-wheat kaiser was a bit of a splurge, but since I'm tracking everything I eat, I accounted for it. This ain't your mama's tunafish sammi.
Guilty pleasure: Tuna sammi with lots of lettuce and some cucumber. |
01/19/13 - Brunch - They call me "Recyclops" at MAC, and for good reason: I don't like waste. I recycled the remnants of a healthy chili dinner from a previous night, added a couple pieces of rye toast, poached two eggs, and garnished with chimichurri to create a waist-reducing Eggs Benedict à la Suzie or maybe it was Huevos Rancheros Suzie-style.
Rerun: Modified huevos rancheros. |
Peep Show complete.
Tomorrow, I "dance with the devil in the pale moonlight"...or rather, I meet my trainer around noonish at the gym. Like the Joker, I just like the sound of that better...and after all...I am his prey.