If I weren't dying of whatever plague this is going around Victoria (and more specifically in that little dark cloud over my head that has been following me around for the better part of 9 days), I would most likely have posted more today than in all of 2016...but that didn't happen because I was in bed or resting or coughing so hard I thought my head would explode. So I'm behind, but I can catch up.
Also, I joined a #allgooddays challenge. I was impulsive and thought I should throw 50 dollars at accountability, and my former employee's mother (I wonder if she remembers me), because, like the foundation of all great ideas, I saw something about it on Facebook.
Those of you who don't know my history, here it is in a nutshell:
I have struggled with my weight for the better part of 20 years. And have lost and gained what seems like a thousand pounds. And most recently I was a superstar health challenge participant, and then I wasn't....and I lost my ninja...and now I am fat and am getting stuck in sports bras again. This challenge is the reclamation of my badassery, if you will.
2013 - 294 pounds, blah blah blah health challenge, ninja-in-training, popped ACL
2014 - 139 pounds, blah blah blah health challenge mentor, n-in-t, reconstructed ACL
2015 - 165 pounds, blah blah blah h.c. mentor part 2, ninja-in-training, with & without ninja
2016 - 200 pounds, blah blah blah ninja-on-and-off, belt test injury, no more ninja
2017 - 250 pounds, blah blah blah work, home, food, wine, repeat, sleep, sleep, sleep...
2018 - 286 pounds, blah blah blah I gotta do something about this. Again.
And today, I updated all the apps, tweaked the fitbits, unboxed the runners, squeezed into the sausage casing I call pants, threw on a Star Wars T-shirt, and donned a hoodie, and did a grocery shop for all the foods that when put into my fridge will really just be ingredients. Even if I lack energy because of the pox placed on my house...I can't wait to kick this challenge's ass...and my own in the process.
And go!